State Attorneys General
State Attorneys General (AGs)
Attorneys General are the legal officers and regulators of their state and act on behalf of citizens. As the “Top Cops” of their states, they have broad consumer protection authority to enforce and investigate (CIDs) unfair and deceptive acts and practices (UDAP), including false advertising.
2015 Consumer Complaint Survey Report
According to the latest report from the annual survey conducted by Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and the North American Consumer Protection Investigators (NACPI), phone IRS agents and other imposter scams topped the list of the quickly-growing complaints to state and local consumer protection agencies last year. The survey consisted of thirty-three consumer agencies from…
Read Article...New York OAG Announces Agreements with Marketers That Engaged in Deceptive Advertising, Ordering and Customer Service Practices
The New York State Attorney General has settled charges with two separate companies for deceptive sales practices that resulted in hidden charges to consumers that order products marketed on television. The agreements require Tristar Products, Inc. and Product Trend, LLC to make significant reforms to their advertising, ordering processes and customer service practices. According to…
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